Friday, March 21, 2014


Things that are more important than "protecting marriage:"

Health care

Things that are more important than whether I'm a man or a woman:

Our foreign policy
The stock market

Things that are more important than whether or not that girl you don't know is a lesbian:

Police brutality
The Tea Party
The housing market

There are so many things that our country needs to be worrying about right now and the battle against the LGBT community is not one of them.  It's unconstitutional, and therefore against everything this country is founded upon, to take civil rights away from or discriminate against any group of citizens.  Politicians are only still arguing against gay rights issues because they want to distract you from the real issues.  Stop letting politicians jerk you around like a puppet using the strings of your emotions.  Let's start focusing on what's really important because we are on a slippery slope.  If we can justify taking rights away from even one of our citizens then we can justify taking rights away from all our citizens.  All the while, politicians are gaining power over us and passing legislature that cripples us and we don't realize it until it's too late!  Wake up to the real issues.  Tell your local and federal politicians that we want more rights for all citizens and we won't be passive about politics anymore!

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