My last post on how Transmen have sex inspired me to create this spin-off about how the Bible relates sex to sin. This is another post in my series on the Bible and homosexuality. I am still working on that series for those of you that are interested so I apologize that it has taken so long to make another post about it. Also, I will be writing about Sodom and Gomorrah soon, I promise.
Basically, my point here will be how absurd it is to condemn a person based on what type of sex they have. Before I even get to what the Bible says I would like to point out just how little we even have sex.
The average person:
Starts having sex at age 17 and stops having sex at age 70 which means they have a sexual life span of 53 years.
During one act of sex has foreplay for 20 minutes and sex for 5 minutes which means the total act lasts 25 minutes.
Has sex 103 times per year.
25 x 103 = 2,572 which is how many minutes per year they will have sex.
2,572 x 53 = 136,475 which is how many minutes they will have sex in a lifetime.
The average person lives 75 years which is 39,446,175 minutes.
136,475 / 39,446,175 = .0034597...
When multiplied by 100 this gives us .345978
So the average person spends only .35% of their life in the act of sex.
So, why are we making it out to be such a big deal? I personally think it is erroneous to condemn someone for an act that they will spend less than 1% of their life doing. And might I mention, it has no affect on anyone else anyway.
Now, lets see what the Bible says. If you look carefully you can see that sex was never part of God's original plan and that sex in itself, no matter who is doing it or how, is a sin. In Genesis Chapter 2 Verse 25 we read that Adam and Eve were both naked and unashamed. From this we gather that they don't know what their nakedness is or what can be done with their naked bodies. In Chapter 3 Verse 7 after Adam and Eve have eaten from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil the "eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked." Then they sewed fig leaves together and covered themselves. Now that they have eaten from the tree and they know what sin is they are ashamed of their bodies because they realize their bodies can be vessels of sin. Later, God asks them why they are hiding their bodies and demands to know if they have eaten from the tree. This tells us that God never intended for Adam and Eve to know what nakedness is or to know what their bodies were capable of. It isn't until Chapter 4 Verse 1 after Adam and Eve have been cast out of the Garden of Eden that they have sex. From this we can conclude that all sex is sinful and God never intended for any of us to have sex.
For those of you who think my logic is flawed because the Bible refers to Adam and Eve as husband and wife and mentions them lying with one another before this happens I would like to point out that the Bible is filled with foreshadowing. Almost everything that happens in the Bible is mentioned at least once before the Bible actually comes to telling its story. In other words, the Bible will allude to things that have not happened yet and will later tell the story in full and explain how the events took place. I find it obvious that's what's happening here as well.
Since sex is sin and no sin can be more sinful than any other sin then it is absurd to condemn anyone based on what type of sex they have. None of us have the right to point fingers and say, "Your sin is worse than mine," we all just need to atone for our own sin and move on with our lives.
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