Sunday, December 29, 2013

Disturbing Youtube Videos

Recently I found a very disturbing Youtube vlogger that is creating waves amongst viewers.  This vlogger is a proud butch lesbian who calls herself DirtyWhiteBoi67.  I am very excited at the aspect of a loud and proud advocate for the butch community, but what infuriates me is her demoralization of the transgender community.  She does not seem to address transwoman, but she constantly attacks transmen.  She believes that all transmen are really just butch lesbians that have been shamed by society into believing that they should be men.  She constantly remarks that transmen hate their bodies, are depressed, need to embrace their femaleness, are not feminists, and can never truly transition or be happy as men when they do transition.  I am deeply saddened by how many people praise her as a great advocate for the LGB (not T) community and encourage her to continue spreading her message.  It's hard to accept that a person who has personal experience with being marginalized and told that their lifestyle is not valid would turn around and do this to others.  Her bigoted views stem from traumatic personal experiences with hating her own body and being told constantly that only a man can be with a woman.  I feel deeply sympathetic to her struggles but I feel that her energies are misdirected into trying to make everyone like her instead of accepting that all people are different and have different experiences and have different goals for their lives.
One Youtube post particularly inflames my rage as it promotes violence.  I don't know if this title is supposed to be symbolic, but even if it is I don't think the general public will understand that.  It's called "Death to Female Id'd Butch Women."  Again, I don't fully understand the title because her problem is not with female butches but with Transmen.  Regardless of her purpose behind it, it is an overtly violent title that is promoting hatred of the LGBT community and advocating murder.  The video itself is a rant about how much she hates transmen and thinks they are disgusting and how she thinks they are promoting a male centric misogynistic America.  I was so upset by the vile nature of this post that I reported it to Youtube in an effort to get it removed from the site.  This is what I wrote:
Issue reported:
Hateful or abusive content > Promotes hatred or violence
Additional details:
The title itself is calling for the death of marginalized individuals. The video is about how much the vlogger thinks transgendered women are disgusting. Trans persons are bullied outcasts who have been killed just for being themselves. Videos like these only spread the hate and encourage the crime. Please stand up for the LGBTQ community and remove this video so no one else can be negatively affected by it's disturbing message.
Please follow the link below so that you can see the video for yourself and draw your own conclusions, but I urge you that if you feel the same as I do then please report this video.  We should be advocating love, acceptance, and equality for all and it is counterproductive to allow bigoted, hateful messages to be spread to the public.  Videos like these only make young trans people afraid to be themselves and non-trans people to have a skewed and distorted view of what trans is.

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