Of course, the creation story is the first we come across and one of the most widely used. I'm sure we've all heard the quote "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." And that's exactly how they tell the story, God made Adam and Eve, as if that's all there is to it but the Bible says that at first God just made Adam. It was only after Adam got lonely that God decided to find Adam "an help meet." It was at that point that God told Adam to pick his help meet from all the animals, but Adam said that none of them were right. Later, when Adam was sleeping God took one of Adam's ribs to form Eve, a being that was the same as him, to be his help meet.
There are a few key points that I'd like to make.
First, God didn't create Eve because it's what he wanted. He did it because it's what Adam wanted. Eve was a blessing from God to make Adam happy.
Second, we need to analyze what is "an help meet?" It can roughly be translated to mean a helper, but a helper of what? My Bible has a section at the beginning of Genesis that gives special notes to the reader to help them in understanding be meaning of the stories. One of them says that life is a love relationship with God. If that's true then our helper would be someone who brings us closer to God and helps us love him better.
Third, God never set any boundaries on who could be Adam's helper. God gave him his choice of everything that was currently available. It just so happens that there were no other humans at the time and animals can't be our helpers because they don't think on the same level as us. I believe that while Adam was asleep God took that opportunity to look into his heart and find out who he wanted. It just happened to be Eve. I believe God does the same for us. He looks into our hearts and finds out what our needs and wants are and leads us to the person that is our perfect helper. Just as God didn't set boundaries on Adam he also doesn't set boundaries on us.
We just need to keep three guidelines in mind to help us find that perfect helper. First, we need to find a human. That means no beastiality. Obviously, animals can't be good helpers on our life's mission. Second, that person needs to make us happy. Third, through that happiness that person should bring us closer to peace and love and therefore closer to God.
The bottom line is, if we do not allow ourselves to find out true helpers then we are denying God's greatest gift and our lives and our worship will suffer as a result. I don't see how any of this has to do with sex or gender or sexuality.
Next: Sodom and Gomorrah